- [WELD-2257] - Implement InterceptionFactory [CDI-580]
- [WELD-2263] - Implement ProcessBeanAttributes.ignoreFinalMethods() [CDI-527]
- [WELD-2264] - Implement BeforeBeanDiscovery.configureQualifier() and configureInterceptorBinding() [CDI-642]
- [WELD-2265] - Implement ProcessSyntheticBean [CDI-439]
- [WELD-2266] - Implement RequestContextController [CDI-30]
- [WELD-2267] - Add interceptor for javax.enterprise.context.control.ActivateRequestContext
- [WELD-2269] - Implement javax.enterprise.context.BeforeDestroyed [CDI-625]
- [WELD-2270] - Update validation of selected alternatives in bean.xml [CDI-627]
- [WELD-2271] - Implement validation of ObserverMethod notify() methods [CDI-592]
- [WELD-2279] - Implement ProcessSyntheticObserverMethod [CDI-657]
- [WELD-2280] - Update repeatable annotations validation [CDI-663]
- [WELD-2284] - Implement ProducerConfigurator [CDI-658]
- [WELD-2285] - Implement InjectionTargetFactory.configure() [CDI-643]
- [WELD-708] - PassivationActivationTest uses manual serialization
- [WELD-2189] - weld-environment-common and weld-servlet-core share common package preventing Jigsaw modularization
- [WELD-2190] - ContextNotActive thrown when a static instance holds a reference to a bean and container restarts
- [WELD-2231] - FastAnnotatedTypeLoader is checking org.jboss.weld.resources.spi.ClassFileInfo instead of org.jboss.jandex.ClassInfo
- [WELD-2232] - JandexClassFileServices should probably throw ClassFileInfoException if unable to load annotation
- [WELD-2242] - Cannot add AnnotatedType during BBD and ATD using AnnotatedTypeConfigurator
- [WELD-2244] - Unable to create proxy for large class
- [WELD-2251] - WeldContainer#getBeanManager doesn't check whether container is running or not
- [WELD-2254] - FileSystemBeanArchiveHandler does not handle nested directories in uber jars
- [WELD-2255] - Call to .setProperty() method is blocked by GroovyMethodFilter
- [WELD-2256] - CDI.current() fails in portable extension observer methods
- [WELD-2260] - Mixed Servlet & SE CDIProvider
- [WELD-2132] - Clarify TransactionServices.registerSynchronization() contract
- [WELD-2204] - Enhance programmatic lookup - reflect the output of CDI-589
- [WELD-2226] - Remove activities from SPI
- [WELD-2236] - Document the usage of org.jboss.weld.environment.container.class init param
- [WELD-2237] - Upgrade jboss-logging-processor to 2.0.1
- [WELD-2239] - Switch to the Commons annotation MR 1.3
- [WELD-2248] - fix typo in file "extend.asciidoc"
- [WELD-2259] - Align with CDI API 2.0.Alpha6
- [WELD-2268] - Implement trimmed bean archive [CDI-420]
- [WELD-2272] - Update TCK 2.0 exclude list
- [WELD-2278] - Align with CDI API 2.0.Beta1
- [WELD-2286] - Clean up configurators package
- [WELD-2162] - Improve exception message when trying to change observed type of existing observer method
- [WELD-2238] - Log configuration keys instead of org.jboss.weld.config.ConfigurationKey enum values
- [WELD-2252] - Consider removing "Build-information" manifest section configuration
- [WELD-2274] - org.jboss.weld.context.activator.ActivateRequestContext should mention the interceptor priority
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