Release Notes - Weld - Version 2.1.1.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [WELD-1527] - Warn if an extension uses inefficient PAT observers


  • [WELD-1437] - Weld can't coexist with another CDI container in a large multi-module project.
  • [WELD-1513] - StackOverflowException from circular injection
  • [WELD-1525] - Functional tests of examples don't work in Jetty profile
  • [WELD-1529] - permalink example embedded tomcat ftest profile broken with servlet3 api dependency
  • [WELD-1533] - QualifiedNameExtension is incorrect
  • [WELD-1534] - Event qualifiers are lost during event propagation
  • [WELD-1537] - SerializableContextualFactory should return Bean implementations if appropriate
  • [WELD-1542] - An exception thrown while invoking a disposer method not caught
  • [WELD-1543] - Weld Servlet should remove duplicate entries when merging multiple beans.xml files
  • [WELD-1545] - NPE when Bootstrap.startContainer() is called after Bootstrap.shutdown()
  • [WELD-1547] - Unavoidable warnings in log when injecting unmanaged objects
  • [WELD-1548] - Bridge method may shadow inherited initializer method
  • [WELD-1550] - Interceptor creation fails when applied to a method on a class that extends JPanel (probably any swing component)
  • [WELD-1552] - InjectionPoint resolution not conform to CDI 1.1 spec
  • [WELD-1556] - org.jboss.weld.environment.tomcat7.WeldInstanceManager does not implement latest org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager
  • [WELD-1557] - Interceptor methods not invoked correctly on session bean interceptors bound using bindings in case of subclassing
  • [WELD-1558] - Proxy naming conflict when using static nested classes with the same name and package.
  • [WELD-1560] - CustomCDIProviderTest based on incorrect assumption



  • [WELD-1530] - Document org.jboss.weld.resolution.cacheSize
  • [WELD-1540] - Misleading error message when an interceptor is not a bean

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