Component Upgrade Subtask
- [JBJCA-870] - JBoss Logging 3.1.1.GA
- [JBJCA-871] - JBoss Logging Processor 1.0.3.Final
- [JBJCA-872] - JBoss LogManager 1.3.1.GA
- [JBJCA-873] - PicketBox 4.0.9.Final
- [JBJCA-874] - Fungal 0.10.2.Final
Feature Request
- [JBJCA-820] - Transaction isolation level attribute doesn't accept integer values
- [JBJCA-829] - Cannot enable setQueryTimeout when query-timeout set in datasource configuration
- [JBJCA-832] - ironjacamar maven validator throws IllegalStateException: Unable to find an annotation scanner implementa tion
- [JBJCA-839] - Incorrect notification lifecycle for WorkManager
- [JBJCA-843] - Required work context isn't checked
- [JBJCA-844] - ResourceAdapterAssocation isn't applied to Work instances
- [JBJCA-850] - Custom url selector depends on server internals
- [JBJCA-864] - allow-multiple-users doesn't work with security domains
- [JBJCA-865] - Missing hashCode() and equals() methods in CommonPoolImpl class
- [JBJCA-866] - Some boolean attributes of DataSources object are proceeded incorrectly in toString() method
- [JBJCA-867] - Using both user credentials and security domain in data source configuration should throw exception during parsing phase
- [JBJCA-868] - Reauth: Switching password doesn't take effect
- [JBJCA-848] - Improve error message in case of a parsing exception
- [JBJCA-861] - Add a WARN for active connections during shutdown
- [JBJCA-869] - Track component updates
- [JBJCA-875] - Send duration to workStarted event
- [JBJCA-876] - IronJacamar 1.0.12.Final
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