Release Notes - RESTEasy - Version 3.15.0.Final - HTML format


  • [RESTEASY-2751] - MP-rest-client 2.0 a fix for TCK test, CDIManagedProviderTest
  • [RESTEASY-2752] - MP-rest-client 2.0 a fix for TCK test, CDIQueryParamStyleTest
  • [RESTEASY-2753] - MP-rest-client 2.0 update to Jakarta EE 8 dependencies
  • [RESTEASY-2754] - MP-rest-client 2.0 add TCK dependencies
  • [RESTEASY-2755] - MP-rest-client 2.0 Server Sent Event Support
  • [RESTEASY-2756] - MP-rest-client 2.0 Using HTTP Proxy Servers
  • [RESTEASY-2757] - MP-rest-client 2.0 Following Redirect Responses
  • [RESTEASY-2758] - MP-rest-client 2.0 (interface) ContextResolver<?> support
  • [RESTEASY-2759] - MP-rest-client 2.0 Specifying Query Parameter Style for multi-valued parameters
  • [RESTEASY-2760] - MP-rest-client 2.0 CDI Managed Providers
  • [RESTEASY-2761] - MP-rest-client 2.0 get new version of TCK working

Feature Request

  • [RESTEASY-2750] - Implement MicroProfile REST Client 2.0 additions


  • [RESTEASY-2650] - Use servlet mapping from web.xml when not specified in @ApplicationPath
  • [RESTEASY-2779] - ResourcePropertyInjector injects twice
  • [RESTEASY-2792] - RESTEasy Main testsuite integration-tests cannot be compiled
  • [RESTEASY-2801] - RestClientDefinitionException on Closeable#close due to wrong template
  • [RESTEASY-2804] - TypeConverter needs to use AccessController in presence of SecurityManager
  • [RESTEASY-2805] - Make dependency on MP Config be optional
  • [RESTEASY-2818] - Sporadic ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on first few calls
  • [RESTEASY-2832] - The RestClientExtension for the Eclipse MicroProfile client leaks the bean manager


Component Upgrade

  • [RESTEASY-2730] - resteasy-jackson2-provider has critical security vulnerabilities

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