- [RESTEASY-2739] - Update WADL section document
- [RESTEASY-1865] - SynchronousDispatcher #getResource not returning Resource Instance
- [RESTEASY-2558] - Rest Client does not propagate errors correctly in Async mode (Uni, RxJava)
- [RESTEASY-2628] - Review scope of properties/provider registered in a dynamic feature
- [RESTEASY-2641] - RestClientBuilder nonProxyHost parameter not evaluated correctly with wildcards
- [RESTEASY-2681] - Incorrect JWS implementation
- [RESTEASY-2707] - Java 2 security doPriv block required for Socket Permission
- [RESTEASY-2722] - org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.jaxb.IgnoredMediaTypes#compare - repeated check
- [RESTEASY-2724] - Few cases of inefficient map iterator use
- [RESTEASY-2731] - HEAD request fails with 406 instead of resolving MessageBodyWriter
- [RESTEASY-2733] - SseEventInputImpl wrongly split the event from stream
- [RESTEASY-2734] - The current WADL GRAMMAR generation logic incorrectly clean the schema types
- [RESTEASY-2765] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at ResteasyViolationException.convertArrayToString
- [RESTEASY-2769] - BlacklistedMediaTypeTest (bootable JAR) deployment fails when executed against WildFly 21
- [RESTEASY-2775] - NPE due to config without dynamic features
- [RESTEASY-2694] - Enable test suite to run against bootable JAR
- [RESTEASY-2741] - Upgrade rxjava2 and other components
- [RESTEASY-2786] - Release RESTEasy 3.14.0.Final
Component Upgrade
- [RESTEASY-2712] - Upgrade Infinispan to 11.0.3.Final
- [RESTEASY-2743] - Upgrade JUnit to 4.13.1
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