Feature Request
- [RESTEASY-1748] - Resteasy-based application not deploying under Weblogic application server
- [RESTEASY-1749] - Method Parameters are only validated on first invocation of an ejb managed rest endpoint
- [RESTEASY-1916] - InboundSseEvent.readData doesn't appear to use registered providers
- [RESTEASY-1935] - o.j.r.test.interceptor.PriorityExecutionTest intermittent failures
- [RESTEASY-1981] - JAX-RS instance must not be registered more than once on javax.ws.rs.core.Configurable instances
- [RESTEASY-1983] - Instances built from org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.internal.ClientWebTarget must inherit of a detached snaphot of the parent configuration (PART2)
- [RESTEASY-1987] - SseEventSourceImpl assumes it owns the executor
- [RESTEASY-1995] - JDK11 fix: remove unused imports from JaxrsWithSpringMVCTest
- [RESTEASY-1997] - ResteasyProviderFactory does not follow javax.ws.rs.core.Configuration requirements
- [RESTEASY-1999] - Do not use specific rxjava dependency in TS
- [RESTEASY-2003] - Test containers running simultaneously are not isolated
- [RESTEASY-2004] - Add java.se module to JDK11 testsuite runs
- [RESTEASY-2016] - JsonBindingProvider hides the root cause of "JSON Binding deserialization error"
- [RESTEASY-2018] - Remove ee8.preview settings
- [RESTEASY-2027] - PatchMethodFilter doesn't handle request of MediaType application/json-patch+json if MediaType have argument
- [RESTEASY-2035] - Autoscan through ServletInitializer and CDI integration not working in WARs with <absolute-ordering> in web.xml
- [RESTEASY-2037] - If ServletInputStream readListener onError resumes exception, server returns HTTP 200
- [RESTEASY-2038] - CacheInterceptor uses content type of response as mediatype instead of accept header of request
- [RESTEASY-2042] - module.xml in resteasy-jaxrs is missing dependency to microprofile-config-api
- [RESTEASY-2046] - Space Improperly Encoded in Content-Disposition Filename
- [RESTEASY-2047] - Typo in MicroprofileClientBuilder
- [RESTEASY-2319] - Resteasy-based application not deploying under Weblogic application server
- [RESTEASY-1954] - Compile and run with JDK11 EA
- [RESTEASY-1992] - Prepare tests for extended support for multivalue @*Param
- [RESTEASY-1993] - Remove jsonb explicit dependency from resteasy-jaxrs
- [RESTEASY-1998] - Prepare test for resteasy.preferJacksonOverJsonB property for client on deployment
- [RESTEASY-2002] - Move towards WildFly 14
- [RESTEASY-2005] - Testsuite profile for Travis CI only
- [RESTEASY-2028] - Prepare test for error message length
- [RESTEASY-2029] - Java 11 on Travis CI
Component Upgrade
- [RESTEASY-1984] - Microprofile REST Client documentation
- [RESTEASY-2001] - Upgrade BouncyCastle to 1.60
- [RESTEASY-2015] - Upgrade Yasson to 1.0.2
- [RESTEASY-2021] - Upgrade jboss-jaxrs-api_2.1_spec from 1.0.1.Final to 1.0.2.Final
- [RESTEASY-2023] - Upgrade RxJava 2 to 2.2.2
- [RESTEASY-2036] - Upgrade to JAXB impl 2.3.1
- [RESTEASY-2050] - Upgrade to Spring 4.3.20.RELEASE
- [RESTEASY-2051] - Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.11
- [RESTEASY-2052] - Upgrade to Vert.x 3.5.4
- [RESTEASY-2044] - Add unit-test for ExceptionHandler
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