Release Notes - JBoss Transaction Manager - Version 5.10.1.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [JBTM-3161] - Nested LRA doesn't start in the Spring Boot + JAX-RS application


  • [JBTM-3206] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in Spring Boot JAX-RS
  • [JBTM-3212] - Ensure that an LRA timeout timer is restarted after a crash
  • [JBTM-3218] - Transaction statistics for read-only + last record may go wrong
  • [JBTM-3222] - Local LRA lookup should just use the Uid part of the LRA
  • [JBTM-3224] - Wrong formatting of error message when object store can't be initialized


  • [JBTM-3219] - Upgrade the RESTEasy dependency to 3.9.1.Final (which matches what WFLY is using)


  • [JBTM-3205] - LRA Spring Boot + JAX-RS support
  • [JBTM-3216] - Narrow the default recovery configuration in the jbossts-properties.xml files

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