- [JBWS-4414] - embed-server doesn't work after wildfly-embedded is upgraded to 24.0.0.Beta3
- [JBWS-4416] - Remove jboss maven-galleon-plugin and use wildfly-galleon-maven-plugin
- [JBWS-4404] - Create/destroy namespace for webservice cloud test
- [JBWS-4417] - Remove obsolete code/utility in jbossws tests
- [JBWS-4418] - Allow MapToBeanConverter to load and create instance from deployment
- [JBWS-4421] - Add request rate limit for throttling feature
- [JBWS-4422] - Add a channel manifest to upgrade jbossws and cxf in the wildfly test server
- [JBWS-4427] - Upgrade arquillian-core to 1.8.1.Final and enable @BeforeEach and @AfterEach method in jbossws tests
- [JBWS-4424] - Heavy load in CXF Service.getPort calls from a servlet causes performance issue
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