Release Notes - jBPM - Version 7.67.0.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [JBPM-10020] - Add incrementing and decrementing prometheus metric for kie execution errors


  • [JBPM-9983] - Allow to define number of Retries for WIH exception handling strategy.
  • [JBPM-10016] - Drools/jBPM integration: high number of instances waiting for signal adversely impacts execution time
  • [JBPM-10035] - jbpm workbench tests hanging when deploying integration tests
  • [JBPM-10036] - UnsupportedOperationException when removing from CopyOnWriteArrayList
  • [JBPM-10042] - Kie server webc controller is missing cdi-api dependency
  • [JBPM-10046] - Missing PreUndeployOperations.doNothing call for development mode and no dispose flag


  • [JBPM-10025] - Stunner - Update Tooltip message for Priority property in Task
  • [JBPM-10027] - UpdateTimerCommand should be aware of suspendUntil timer

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