Release Notes - jBPM - Version 7.58.0.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [JBPM-9823] - Add jms header to include job_id from requestInfo table for debugging purpose.


  • [JBPM-9817] - Transaction timeout during JBPM performance test
  • [JBPM-9818] - Fix in DDL scripts errors after adding end_date
  • [JBPM-9819] - SLATrackingCommandTest#testSLATrackingOnUserTaskSLAMet test is failing on master
  • [JBPM-9829] - Spring Boot jar containing kjar and commons-beanutils causes "Could not read pom in jar" error.


  • [JBPM-9816] - JPAWorkItemHandlerTest test is failing for 7.57.0.Final in jbpm-work-items repo


  • [JBPM-9821] - Provide options to target different sub-process instance when using kie-server diagram navigation / (+) button

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