Release Notes - jBPM - Version 7.46.0.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [JBPM-9405] - Provide API method to signal process instance with correlationKey
  • [JBPM-9407] - Spring Boot - Multiple Data Sources and Pluggable Variable Persistence


  • [JBPM-8153] - Container is removed from UI even though it was not possible to stop it.
  • [JBPM-9393] - 'Add Deployment unit' Fields are missing while creating new
  • [JBPM-9412] - Not able navigate to Parent from child instance even both are active instances
  • [JBPM-9416] - node ids missing from ProcessServiceBase causing process just being created.
  • [JBPM-9417] - testWorkitemValidity fails on Windows: wrong scheme-path separator
  • [JBPM-9423] - Duplicate container-info entries in kie-server-router.json file if we create containers with unique container-alias
  • [JBPM-9426] - No tasks returned when userId == null, exlOwner !=null and groups !=null
  • [JBPM-9427] - IllegalArgumentException when task is skipped in afterTaskAddedEvent
  • [JBPM-9430] - DocumentCollection output only parameter doesn't work in generated forms
  • [JBPM-9447] - No session found for context in case SLA on user task is violated


  • [JBPM-9414] - Adding integration tests for RHPAM-3106
  • [JBPM-9439] - Align Kafka emmiter and workitem dependencies


  • [JBPM-9457] - Kafka Event Emitter should reuse the same Producer
  • [JBPM-9466] - Make configurable Kafka Producer

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