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Fix 'Advanced configuration options CodeReady Workspaces configMaps fields reference' - RHDEVDOCS-1485
Fix a typo in 'Updating CodeReady Workspaces' - RHDEVDOCS-1481
Fix 'Workspaces overview' acoording to QE feedback - RHDEVDOCS-1473
Fix 'CodeReady Workspaces IDE basics` according to the QE feedback - RHDEVDOCS-1398
Document the installation of CRW CLI tool - RHDEVDOCS-1359
Document all fields of the CheCluster CR in che-docs and CRD - RHDEVDOCS-1349
Please document steps for complete removal of a CRW installation - RHDEVDOCS-1344
Document the offline usage scenarios in CRW 2.0 - RHDEVDOCS-1339
Document/add screenshots about CRW 2.0 DevConsole support - RHDEVDOCS-1213
Ensure that Che 7 "User Dashboard" or "Dashboard" are consistently referenced in the Che 7 docs - RHDEVDOCS-1140
Create a doc plan for CRW 2.0 - RHDEVDOCS-1008
Document how to configure CRW after installation - RHDEVDOCS-1002
Provide recommendations about the configuration of CRW to handle more workspaces
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