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- PTL-8415
DO400-9: The software list in "Guided Exercise: Configuring a Developer Environment" should include all the software required for "Building Functional Tests"... It's missing at least docker... - PTL-8412
DO400-8: pipeline is misspelled in "After completing this section, you should be able to create and run a basic Jenkins pipleline." - PTL-8405
DO400-6: On our Openshift 4 cluster, we have containers with the required software already installed. Wouldn't it make more sense for this lesson to be on how to launch such a container from within Openshift 4? - PTL-8392
DO400-7: Advise if the students wrote and executed bash scripts to accomplish the various tasks. - PTL-8386
DO400-1: EA DO400 General Feedback - PTL-8383
DO400-13: wrong directory name in ch02s06 step 1.2 & 1.3 & 1.4 - PTL-8380
DO400-16: web UI at step 4.2 is not opening while doing it in win 10 VM
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