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- JBWS-1787
Verify test excludes and FIXMEs - JBWS-1784
Pass JavaEE5 CTS for jaxr, jaxrpc, jaxws, jws, saaj, webservice, webservices12 - JBWS-1783
Pass J2EE-1.4 CTS for jaxr, jaxrpc, saaj, webservice - JBWS-1782
Release jbossws-2.0.1.GA binary - JBWS-1780
Context servlet throws NPE - JBWS-1771
Post-handler-chain not invoked for "Standard Client" configuration with DII client - JBWS-1770
Fix Endpoint API for jboss-5.0.0.Beta3 - JBWS-1766
UsernameToken ignores BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY - JBWS-1749
JBossWS2.0.0.GA download does not contain updated jboss-xml-binding library - JBWS-1747
org.jboss.wsf.container.jboss42.WebMetaDataAdapter doesn't check if there's a J2eeApplicationMetaData instance set on the DeploymentInfo parent - JBWS-1736
MTOM property at service-ref level - JBWS-1733
JAXWS client ignores BindingProvider.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY - JBWS-1732
WSProvideTask throws IllegalArgumentException - JBWS-1729
Create a comprehensive SPI tools test suite - JBWS-1725
WSDL-JAVA Derivation of a complex type from a Simple type: bas64Binary is not mapped to byte[] - JBWS-1723
WSDL To Java - Anonymous Types Referenced As Bound Headers Not Handled Correctly - JBWS-1702
Type inheritance with document/literal/wrapped - JBWS-1617
JAXRPC doc/literal trims empty string - JBWS-1536
NPE in WSDL to Java when webservices.xml requested but no global package mapping - JBWS-1453
WSDL To Java - Invalid name for generated class if complex type name contains a period.
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