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Installer should set 'hyperv' as default-vm-driver for CDK 3 if Hyper-V is detectedJBDS-4300
Detection keep stalled values after triggering detection again with pushing 'Back' and 'Next'JBDS-4299
Restart detection after removing component with unsupported versionJBDS-4298
DevSuite Installer always downloads DevStudio even there is valid installer.jar in cacheJBDS-4297
ensure downstream jobs can trigger via script & token or set up downstream groovy listenerJBDS-4277
Migrate rpm jobs from Wonka to CCIJBDS-4271
Problem installing Spring IDE from RH CentralJBDS-4269
Problem installing JBoss Seam Tools from RH CentralJBDS-4268
Problem installing JBoss OpenShift 3 Tools from RH CentralJBDS-4267
Problem installing JBoss OpenShift 2 Tools from RH CentralJBDS-4266
Problem installing JBoss Portlet Tools from RH CentralJBDS-4264
Devsuite installer MacOS: if you already have minishift installed, installer fails without explaining anythingJBDS-4253
Show warning for virtualbox component if virtualization is not enabled or cannot be detected (windows)JBDS-4251
Have to restart installer if I remove Virtualbox, installer wont properly re-checkJBDS-4250
CDK installer: latest minishift installer fails on MacOSJBDS-4246
Implement minishift cdk-setup in devsuite installerJBDS-4245
CDK/Minishift zip is being downloaded even in bundled installerJBDS-4240
Update Oracle Virtualbox to 5.1.12 for macOS and WindowsJBDS-4239
CDK 3 Installer for Windows using VirtualboxJBDS-4223
Promisify installer's detection methods
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