Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- FORGE-2137
Running Forge -e sets INTERACTIVE flag to false permanently - FORGE-2127
rest-setup --jaxrsVersion 2.0 adds jboss-javaee-6.0 to javaee 7.0 projects - FORGE-2113
command-list throws java.lang.IllegalStateException: A project is required in the current context - FORGE-2101
jpa-new-field command should have a --not-nullable attribute - FORGE-2100
Upgrade to Roaster 2.9.0.Final - FORGE-2091
Being able to create a new Java exception - FORGE-2085
Improving the cdi-new-bean command - FORGE-2078
Being able to create a new CDI decorator - FORGE-2076
Add command to generate DAOs from JPA Entities - FORGE-2068
When creating a new field, updating toString should be optional - FORGE-2066
In jta-setup version should be renamed to jtaVersion - FORGE-2065
CDI commands should have implicit setup - FORGE-2058
Being able to create fields with generics types - FORGE-2051
Installing various Java EE Facets duplicate dependencies in build descriptor - FORGE-1917
ClasspathWorkspaceResolver no longer works for impl projects - FORGE-1896
Install Forge from CURL - FORGE-1569
Forge dialogs do not obtain focus on launch
[{"id":-1,"name":"My open issues","jql":"assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-2,"name":"Reported by me","jql":"reporter = currentUser() order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-4,"name":"All issues","jql":"order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-5,"name":"Open issues","jql":"resolution = Unresolved order by priority DESC,updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-9,"name":"Done issues","jql":"statusCategory = Done order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-3,"name":"Viewed recently","jql":"issuekey in issueHistory() order by lastViewed DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-6,"name":"Created recently","jql":"created >= -1w order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-7,"name":"Resolved recently","jql":"resolutiondate >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-8,"name":"Updated recently","jql":"updated >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false}]