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- CDI-322
Reflect @AroundConstruct interception type - CDI-321
Application wide CDI enablement - CDI-315
Allow BeanManager methods, such as getBeans in AfterDeploymentValidation observers - CDI-314
Clarify behaviour if both a stereotype and a bean class is used to select/deselect an alternative bean - CDI-313
public Set<Annotation> getInterceptorBindingDefinition(Class<? extends Annotation> qualifierType) parameter should be bindingType - CDI-311
Move CDI interceptors chapter to interceptors spec - CDI-310
Standardize priority range size to 1000 a piece - CDI-309
Consider using -1 as a priority to disable something rather than an explicit enabled flag - CDI-308
Things with a container assigned priority should start at 1500, not 1000 - CDI-307
Use @Priority annotation introduced in common annotations for ordering interceptors, decorators and alternatives - CDI-306
Clarify that MDBs don't need to support injected constructors - CDI-305
Reflect the new EJB passivation-capable flag in CDI - CDI-304
Clarify Producers for injection into generic types - CDI-303
Clarify declaring selected alternatives for an application - CDI-302
Issues with interceptor and decorator ordering - CDI-301
Provide XSD for 1.1 version of beans.xml - CDI-300
The entire RAR recognized as one bean archive - CDI-299
Consider removing @Vetoed on packages - CDI-298
@WithAnnotations needs to consider annotations on superclasses - CDI-297
Incorporate statements from Instance.destroy() javadoc into the spec
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