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Make logging on Tomcat use JDK14LoggerPlugin by default - MODCLUSTER-201
update mod_cluster to use HTTP/1.1 - MODCLUSTER-202
the STATUS MCMP message is send before the connector is started - MODCLUSTER-204
Alias max length too low (255?) - MODCLUSTER-198
Can only rewrite from the root context in httpd if there is a root context deployed in JBoss - MODCLUSTER-194
When encrypting the mod_cluster traffic, can't use the http connector - MODCLUSTER-208
ClassCastException on updateClusterStatus() - MODCLUSTER-207
Add support for system properties used in 1.0.x - MODCLUSTER-206
httpd cores after graceful restart after the mod_cluster configuration is added - MODCLUSTER-288
SystemMemoryUsageLoadMetric is not correct on Linux/Unix - MODCLUSTER-187
ModClusterListener not working with Embedded Tomcat 6 - MODCLUSTER-184
Redeployment of application in Tomcat fails - MODCLUSTER-196
Incorrect routing of requests when one context root is the prefix of another - MODCLUSTER-199
Segmentation fault in Apache worker when using different balancernames and Aliases. - MODCLUSTER-197
Windows x86 Missing httpd.conf + other files in 1.1.0 distribution - MODCLUSTER-205
The windoze bundle don't have the default configuration - MODCLUSTER-186
Proxy Discovery Configuration property excludedContexts is not set to default when running under Tomcat - MODCLUSTER-193
mod_cluster 1.1.0 docs step is wrong - MODCLUSTER-189
Enable/Disable does not work in mod_cluster_manager - MODCLUSTER-190
mod_cluster issues an ENABLE-APP too early in the webapp lifecycle
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