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[dotnet] PeerToPeer.Server.exe typo in console.writeline - ENTMQCL-449
[dotnet] Client returns exception messages on its standard output - ENTMQCL-576
[dotnet] Support AMQ .NET on RHEL - ENTMQCL-568
[jms] Support a no-acknowledge mode at the session level - ENTMQCL-588
[dotnet] Rebase to upstream release 2.0.0 - ENTMQCL-565
[cpp] Windows build does not compile the examples that require C++11 - ENTMQCL-556
[jms] Try each endpoint before delaying for next reconnect cycle - ENTMQCL-520
[python] group-sequence is set to 0 by default - ENTMQCL-584
[cpp] Kerberos authentication cannot proceed if the user option is not set - ENTMQCL-574
[cpp] Support cross-thread work injection and scheduling on Windows - ENTMQCL-563
[Windows] Missing qpid-proton-proactor(d).dll files in qpid-proton-win-0.18.0.x package - ENTMQCL-536
[cpp] Provide a way to intercept authentication failure - ENTMQCL-518
[dotnet] groupID in TestMethod_AdvancedLinkFlowControl - ENTMQCL-444
[legacy-cpp] Support intercepting rejection of sent messages - ENTMQCL-445
[cpp-win] Support intercepting rejection of sent messages - ENTMQCL-512
[proton-c] Message header defaults only work if no header present - ENTMQCL-571
[jms] Missed connect error on start can lead to hung failover reconnect cycle - ENTMQCL-606
[jms] connection fails using Kerberos against Interconnect - ENTMQCL-497
[python] Absolute expiry value seems to be by default 0 instead of None - ENTMQCL-500
[dotnet] Receive does not raise exception when link closed with error
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