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- RHSSO-1261
Update "keycloak.org/support.html" - RHSSO-1245
Update the "Get Started" on the customer portal - RHSSO-1244
Update What's New on the customer portal - RHSSO-1237
Create set up for RH-SSO 7.2 rpms - RHSSO-1236
Notify RCM to "Prepare repos live" - RHSSO-1232
Release Notes - RHSSO-1230
tweet about the GA docs - RHSSO-1227
Checkpoint Review - RHSSO-1219
Add Matthew Helmke and Tana Berry as errata doc reviewers - RHSSO-1215
Gate Checker - RHSSO-1213
Supported Configurations for RH-SSO 7.2.0 - RHSSO-1186
Update supported Node.js versions for RH-SSO 7.2 - RHSSO-1181
Provide list of dependencies - RHSSO-1178
Deliverables for RH-SSO 7.2.0 - RHSSO-1177
Announcements for RH-SSO 7.2 GA - RHSSO-1176
Post javadoc and Rest API - RHSSO-1175
Update the Component Details Page - RHSSO-1174
Update the Supported Configurations Page - RHSSO-1173
Update the RH-SSO product page for 7.2 - RHSSO-1172
Update the customer portal to have 7.2 radio button for documentation
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