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- RDO-177
Redirect default rdo-release RPM to new release - RDO-176
Add the SSH key of the new DLRN builder to RDO Gerrit - RDO-164
Add the SSH pubkey of the new Trunk Builder to rdo-trunk Gerrit account - RDO-163
Switch Ceph to Reef release - RDO-162
Enable sending new releases - RDO-161
Remove inheritance of cloud9s-openstack-antelope-testing tag in cloud9s-openstack-bobcat-el9s-build - RDO-160
Disable fallback_to_master parameter and set source-branches for all branchless projects - RDO-159
Unpin the tempest plugins - RDO-158
Enable the monitoring - RDO-157
Promote GA builds to -testing and -release - RDO-156
Create the new centos-release-openstack-<release> - RDO-155
Add the new release to RDO Dashboard - RDO-154
Create weirdo jobs to gate promotion to -release tag - RDO-153
Create the rdo-release RPM - RDO-152
Add support of the new release in ansible-role-weirdo-puppet-openstack - RDO-151
Create the next release branch for dependencies - RDO-150
Create the puppet promotion pipeline - RDO-149
Build tempest and the plugins projects - RDO-148
Build OpenStack puppet modules - RDO-147
Move master RDO Trunk to next release tags
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