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Contact Jiri Fiala to start docs.openshift crawlerOSSM-8499
Create splash page for new versionOSSM-8498
Run builds for each bookOSSM-8497
Edit every document in new version in PantheonOSSM-8496
Clone every document of that version into the new versionOSSM-8495
Log into Pantheon and find latest published versionOSSM-8494
Open a PR against the openshift/release `master` branch to create the prow jobs for your layered product standalone branchOSSM-8493
Contact MishaOSSM-8492
Follow standard OCP process to merge the PR that changes the file named _distro_map.ymlOSSM-8491
Get a peer review on this PR among the layered product docs teamOSSM-8490
Create a PR into the main OCP doc branch to enable building the new version of the standalone doc on docs.openshift.comOSSM-8489
Add note to cherrypick to the new branch for all PRsOSSM-8488
Find Doc member with merge rights to OCP repo to create new version branch
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