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Seambay example - debug page after submitting empty registration formJBPAPP-1927
QueryParser to restrictive, does not allow hash sign (#) in string literalJBPAPP-1926
seam-gen test fails if there is a space in the path to the projectJBPAPP-1925
Reduce number of checks to see if Jbpm is installed in BusinessProcessContextJBPAPP-1923
Remove String concat in ScopeTypeJBPAPP-1920
captureCurrentView on redirect should capture all request parametersJBPAPP-1919
Errors in Seam Remoting marshalling a java.util.Date in a highly concurrent environmentJBPAPP-1918
Don't be so hostile to alternate JPA providers when attempt is made to use manual flush modeJBPAPP-1917
DB2 error on search with seam-gen restrictionJBPAPP-1916
seam-gen doesn't handle hibernate types such as yes_noJBPAPP-1915
seam-gen does not ask for jboss configuration nameJBPAPP-1914
Security Vulnerability in booking exampleJBPAPP-1913
example build.xml unexplode targets should use example.ds propertyJBPAPP-1912
Hard-to-read sentence caused by typo, in TutorialJBPAPP-1911
Unclosed input stream in org.jboss.seam.remoting.RemotingJBPAPP-1910
DVD Example throws JbpmException on canceling orderJBPAPP-1909
Seam reflection has lower access than Java reflectionJBPAPP-1908
project build for seam-gen project should make use of debug propertyJBPAPP-1907
Page scope throws exception when setting null valueJBPAPP-1906
Upgrade to Selenium RC 1.0-beta2
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