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Detect and persist the link between a JDG node to its underlying container or VM - HAWKULAR-1229
Model, persist and display relationships between cluster, jdg nodes and caches - HAWKULAR-1228
Link from JDG node to to vm/container in MIQ UI summary and topology - HAWKULAR-1227
Not allow operations on jdg nodes in MIQ UI - HAWKULAR-1226
Add cache entity in MIQ UI summary screens and topology - HAWKULAR-1225
Add cluster and jdg node entities in MIQ UI in summary page and topology - HAWKULAR-1224
Model, collect and persist cache entity in MIQ - HAWKULAR-1223
Model, collect and persist in inventory cluster and jdg node entities in MIQ - HAWKULAR-1222
Cluster detection - HAWKULAR-1221
Add agent and agent configuration to JDG Node
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