Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
Automatically select the newly created Element - FUSETOOLS-1725
Disable delete button when the current selection is not matching - FUSETOOLS-1724
Properties of same global element types are duplicated from one to another - FUSETOOLS-1717
Support double-click on "Create new global element..." dialog - FUSETOOLS-1716
Provide Search filter on the component list when adding a new global endpoint - FUSETOOLS-1715
Filter available components for global endpoint wizard based on Whitelist - FUSETOOLS-1713
Handle edit of Global Camel endpoint - FUSETOOLS-1711
Use a tree with components grouped by category when adding an endpoint - FUSETOOLS-1710
Provide icons in list when adding an Endpoint - FUSETOOLS-1708
Provide double-click navigation from Problems view into Global page editor - FUSETOOLS-1707
Provide validation marker on Global page tree - FUSETOOLS-1706
Provide properties view when selecting Global endpoints on global page tree - FUSETOOLS-1705
Provide ability to add Global endpoint - FUSETOOLS-1704
Provide ability to add DataFormats
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