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- DROOLS-4030
Milestone four - DROOLS-3915
Milestone three - DROOLS-3824
Create a typesystem on the EventWrapper to ask multiple operation on the EventLoop - DROOLS-3810
Enable a fast forward system to skip already processed events - DROOLS-3791
Create an API to scroll events received on the topics - DROOLS-3790
Milestone one - DROOLS-3789
Milestone two - DROOLS-3769
Create a SpringBoot module to replace thorntail (deprecated in to use Quarkus) - DROOLS-3765
Enable the pod to act as a comsumer or producer - DROOLS-3753
Create Master election system using ConfigMap on Openshift - DROOLS-3739
Create a structured project for hacep with Quarkus, Thornthail and pubsub module - DROOLS-3712
Provide an example to connect drools from a Java Microservice to the Kafka cluster - DROOLS-3711
Configure Kafka/Zookeper cluster on openshift
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