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- DBZ-8446
Add SSL test infrastracture for MongoDB sink and source connectors - DBZ-8346
Use DebeziumSinkRecord instead of Kafka Connect's SinkRecord inside Debezium sink connectors - DBZ-8155
Documentation for MongoDB sink connector - DBZ-8139
Add a Maven compiler profile to exclude sink connector from downstream tests and artifacts - DBZ-8138
Re-add check to test for if assembly profile is active - DBZ-8017
Refactor MongoDbPlatform and MongoDbDatabaseProvider - DBZ-8006
Java 17 improvements for MongoDB sink connector - DBZ-8005
Replace DataException with DebeziumDataException in MongoDB sink connector code - DBZ-8002
Move shared config of JDBC sink and MongoDB sink connectors into io.debezium.connector.SinkConnectorConfig - DBZ-8001
Add error handling overrides for DLQ / error-tolerance to MongoDB sink connector - DBZ-8000
Add support for include/exclude lists to MongoDB sink connector - DBZ-7999
Add support for Debezium types (VariableScaleDecimal, MicroTime, NanoTime, ZonedTimestamp, ZonedTime, ...) in MongoDB sink connector - DBZ-7998
Add support for Debezium MongoDB source connector message formats - DBZ-7997
Add alternative WriteModelStrategies (Update*, Delete*, Insert/Append_Only) - DBZ-7996
Use ChangeEventSink instead of the StartedMongoDbSinkTask/MongoDbSinkConnectorTask combination, if possible - DBZ-7995
Create/Extract a MongoDB connection/client wrapper for both sink and source connectors - DBZ-7122
Improve buffer flushing for JDBC sink connector
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