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- CONSOLE-4457
Overview scrollable cards leak text that should be underneath the border and fade out gradient removal. - CONSOLE-4455
OperatorHub empty state spacing is not right - CONSOLE-4454
Use Hint PF component instead of HintBlock - CONSOLE-4453
Fix dropdown position and menu+footer zindex - CONSOLE-4452
Fix CI a11y issues - CONSOLE-4451
Fix broken DataList checkboxes & alignment - CONSOLE-4450
Fix missing outline on guided tour - CONSOLE-4449
Prevent select menus from overflowing outside this page container when their are many selections (a tall menu list) - CONSOLE-4441
Clean up catalog tile behaviors and styles - CONSOLE-4440
Utilization section in the Overview page of Node details is misaligned and scrollable and misaligned ticks. - CONSOLE-4438
Not enough spacing between actions in the header - CONSOLE-4432
Fix content overlaying close button on operator install modal - CONSOLE-4431
Fix operator install status page background
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