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Display the current feature name at the guides section - AEROGEAR-1666
Bring the items from TOC already expanded - AEROGEAR-1661
Syntax highlighting to the new website - AEROGEAR-1660
New site: improve visibility of gray "alt" texts by making them darker - AEROGEAR-1656
Correct links and add platforms on Footer - AEROGEAR-1653
Check the grammar and language issues on a new site - AEROGEAR-1641
Use html-proofer as part of the site build process - AEROGEAR-1630
Cleanup the Cordova Guide section - AEROGEAR-1628
CSS Animations - AEROGEAR-1627
add support for the asciidoc note block - AEROGEAR-1626
Use one type of markup either markdown or asciidoc - AEROGEAR-1624
Document anchors (#) scrolls to wrong position - AEROGEAR-1622
Merge master with the new-design branch - AEROGEAR-1609
File structure and bread crumbs - AEROGEAR-1581
Create a CI job that will allow to preview forks and branches of the site - AEROGEAR-1558
Check javascript files to see which ones we need to use - AEROGEAR-1556
Show Jira and git latest updates on Roadmap page - AEROGEAR-1553
HTML validation - AEROGEAR-1551
Add helpful hints to docs - AEROGEAR-1550
Make submenu open or close depending on scrolling location
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