Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key P Status Assignee Summary Created Updated Fix Version/s Fixed In Version Git Pull Request
Sub-task AEROGEAR-2176 Major Resolved Unassigned

AEROGEAR-2032 Replace the fh-sync apb with smaller apb in creation/deletion integration tests

Sub-task AEROGEAR-2035 Major Resolved Unassigned

AEROGEAR-2032 Make sure mobile-cli can integrate our hello-world-apb and hello-world-db-apb and make this into integration test

Sub-task AEROGEAR-2034 Major Resolved Unassigned

AEROGEAR-2032 Create a hello-world-db-apb equivalent for aerogearcatalog

Sub-task AEROGEAR-2033 Major Resolved Unassigned

AEROGEAR-2032 Create a hello-world-apb equivalent for aerogearcatalog

