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  1. Teiid Designer
  2. TEIIDDES-2989

Missing UDF settings in dynamic VDB


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      1. Create view model
      2. Open UDF dialog
      3. Set required properties and then check all checkboxes(9)
      4. Create 2 parameters one with IN direction and one with RETURN
      5. Click OK and go to Table editor
      6. Update count set on ONE for example
      7. Set some Names in Source for parameters
      8. Create static vdb with view model and then dynamic VDB
      9. Delete view model and static vdb then generate them back
      Create view model Open UDF dialog Set required properties and then check all checkboxes(9) Create 2 parameters one with IN direction and one with RETURN Click OK and go to Table editor Update count set on ONE for example Set some Names in Source for parameters Create static vdb with view model and then dynamic VDB Delete view model and static vdb then generate them back

      When I created UDF function, generate dynamic vdb and generate back view model some things missed there.

      When I set all checkboxes in properties on true in UDF dialog in view model, a lot of them missing in dynamic vdb and of course in view model after generating.
      Determistic checkbox: There is mention in dynamic vdb but wrong because after generating view model is false.
      "Returns null on null" and "Variable Arguments" are set correct
      Other checkboxes(Aggregate, Analytic, ...) are not mention in dynamic vdb and missing in view model after generating

      Update Count is always AUTO same as in srouce model.

      Missing Name in Source for parameters.

      And If I set direction for some column at RETURN, in dynamic vdb is changed on OUT.

            blafond Barry LaFond
            mmajerni@redhat.com Mario Majernik
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