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  1. Service Delivery (SD) Strategy
  2. SDSTRAT-44

Unified Test Suite for Access Transparency Service


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    • Resolution: Unresolved
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      The Access Transparency Service (ATS) is a micro-service that supports the ROSA Approved Access functionality.

      As part of developing this service, we have duplicated test suites:

      • A test suite consisting of unit and integration tests owned by the engineering team
      • A test suite consisting of integration/end-to-end tests owned by QE

      The purpose of this SDSTRAT is to unify these individual test suites into a single source that both engineering and QE contribute to.

      Benefit Hypothesis:

      We see the following benefits of taking this approach:

      • Reduce the amount of duplication in testing the ATS
      • Ensure that engineering and QE can contribute to a single test-suite
      • Create a test suite that can be used for gating deployments between environments
      • Create a smoke test suite that can used to verify that functionality measured by the SLOs of the service is not adversely impacted by changes.


      Add any resources (docs, slides, etc.) pertinent to the definition of the work. These might not be known until later. Update as necessary.


      • ROSA Squad
        • Owners of the ATS micro-service and the existing unit test and integration test suites
        • Work with ROSA QE to understand how to unifying the existing set of tests
      • ROSA QE
        • Owners of the ATS end-to-end testsĀ 
        • Work with ROSA Squad to understand how to unify the existing set of tests

      Success Criteria

      • New features for ATS can be tested fully via a single test-suite
      • Tests for ATS can be included in the same MR that adds the feature, reducing lag between feature delivery and testing
      • All Tests for ATS can be run as a pre-merge job for greater confidence that the service is working as expected
        • A sub criteria here is that the test-suite runs within a reasonable period of time e.g 5 minutes so that it can be used in pre-merge tsting without negatively impacting developer productivity.
      • A subset of the test-suite can be executed to smoke-test the core functionality of the service that is measured by the service SLOs


      Add results here once the Initiative is started. Recommend discussions & updates once per quarter in bullets.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rblake@redhat.com Rob Blake
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