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  1. Service Delivery (SD) Strategy
  2. SDSTRAT-26

Improve Access Transparency Reliability and Fault Tolerance


    • Icon: Initiative Initiative
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • OCM
    • False
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    • False
    • Not Selected
    • 0% To Do, 100% In Progress, 0% Done
    • 0



      ATS relies on queue processing to perform many of its tasks. Currently, the queue processing implementation is quite naive, with challenges such as:

      • Events are rescheduled in large batches, creating a potential stampeding herd problem and queue live-lock if certain events cannot be processed
      • There is no back-off when events fail to be processed e.g an external dependency is down
      • There is no jitter applied to events that are rescheduled to create a more even distribution of work
      • Controllers indicate an event should be rescheduled by returning an error
      • Controllers have no ability to indicate when an event should next be retried

      The purpose of this epic is two-fold:

      • Incrementally improve the queue handling in ATS to address the above
      • Contribute the changes upstream into the rh-trex project so that all future micro-services benefit from our work 

      Acceptance Criteria


      Done Criteria

      • All Acceptance Criteria are met
      • All existing/affected SOPs have been updated.
      • New SOPs have been written.
      • Internal training has been developed and delivered.
      • The feature has full, automated test suites passing in all pipelines.
      • If the feature requires QE involvement, QE has signed off.
      • The feature exposes metrics necessary to monitor.
      • The feature has had a security review / Contract impact assessment.
      • Service documentation is fully updated and complete.
      • Product Manager signed off.

      Links to Gdocs, GitHub, and any other relevant information about this epic.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            pvasanth_openshift Priya Vasanth
            0 Vote for this issue
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