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  1. Red Hat OpenShift AI Engineering
  2. RHOAIENG-1157

[DSG] Improve update call in workbench edit form


    • False
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      == An error can occur when trying to edit a workbench
      When editing a workbench, an error similar to the following can occur:
      Error creating workbench
      Operation cannot be fulfilled on notebooks.kubeflow.org "workbench-name": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
      == An error can occur when trying to edit a workbench When editing a workbench, an error similar to the following can occur: ---- Error creating workbench Operation cannot be fulfilled on notebooks.kubeflow.org "workbench-name": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again ----
    • Known Issue
    • Done
    • Important

      We want to avoid re-submitting the entire set of fields with every update, but submitting only the changes (PATCH call?). This would avoid 

      when trying to Edit a workbench immeditely after another change occured to the CR (e.g., stop WB), you can bump into an update error like this:

      Slack thread


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