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  1. JBoss Remoting (3+)
  2. REM3-208

ByteBuffer leaks via HttpUpgradeConnectionProvider and RemoteConnectionProvider


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      Use -Djboss.remoting.pooled-buffers=false on the command line to disable the byte buffer pooling.

      Use -Djboss.remoting.pooled-buffers=false on the command line to disable the byte buffer pooling.

      ByteBufferSlicePool uses a ThreadLocal-based ByteBuffer caching scheme that pretty much results in uncollectable ByteBuffers. That's ok, if the number of ByteBufferSlicePool instances is limited, which I believe was the design intent.

      But HttpUpgradeConnectionProvider is not limiting the number of instances. One is created per channel creation, in ConnectionAdaptorImpl.adapt(). This is the cause of WFLY-4881.

      Possible solution is to cache the ByteBufferSlicePool in the outer HttpUpgradeConnectionProvider and reuse it for each ConnectionAdaptorImpl.adapt call.

      RemoteConnectionProvider.connect also creates a pool for each connect call. Perhaps it could be cached in RemoteConnectionProvider and reused.

      David in chat mentioned switching to using global pools as the solution.

            dlloyd@redhat.com David Lloyd
            bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
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