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- OADP-2094
OADP-1.2.2: Restic restore is partially failing due to Pod Security standard - OADP-1057
Cloudstorage API: Backup of an app with internal images partially fails with plugin panicked error - OADP-2144
kubevirt vm's using filesystemOverhead fail in backup/restore due to volume size mismatch - OADP-2112
Support the standardized STS configuration flow via OLM and CCO for OADP in OCP 4.14 - OADP-2827
Pods with volumes for fsbackup/restic chosen by annotation aren't restored - OADP-2505
OADP-1.2.2: ACM cluster restore is broken due to restore order - OADP-2052
Provide an option to set volsync replicationsource prune interval - OADP-2048
Ensure retention policy has the restic cron functionality - OADP-941
Openshift Should generate an Alert for Backup failure in OADP - OADP-989
Data Mover could restore PVCs with mover pod in a different node to the workload pod causing issues for PVCs with ReadWriteOnce accessMode - OADP-1161
Incorporate restic unlock feature from volsync - OADP-2139
Daemonset restic(and its pods) are not removed/replaced when upgraded from OADP 1.1 to OADP 1.2 - OADP-2174
Unable to Perform Full Backup of OCP-V VM using Data Mover - OADP-2409
Possible pod volume backup failure if velero is installed in multiple namespaces - OADP-1737
BSL goes unavailable phase when VSL uses custom secret
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