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  1. Multiple Architecture Enablement
  2. MULTIARCH-3028

Handle failed powervs instance in create and destroy command


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
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    • NEW
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      Getting below error while deleting infra with failed powervs instance


      Failed to destroy infrastructure        {"error": "error in destroying infra: provided cloud instance id is not in active state, current state: failed"}


      Also need to take care of create infra process in case of powervs instance goes to failed state. Looping on printing same statement while waiting for it to become active.


      2022-11-11T13:03:01+05:30       INFO    hyp-dhar-osa-2  Waiting for cloud instance to up        {"id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:power-iaas:osa21:a/c265c8cefda241ca9c107adcbbacaa84:cd743ba9-195b-46ba-951e-639f97f443d2::", "state": "failed"}

            dravicha Dharaneeshwaran Ravichandran
            dravicha Dharaneeshwaran Ravichandran
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