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  1. JGroups
  2. JGRP-2317

Discovery: send multiple discovery requests


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.0.16
    • None
    • None

      Define a num_requests (default: 1) attribute (we used to have this!) that governs how many times a discovery is executed until the timeout is reached, or a coord is found.

      This may be useful when multiple members are started at the same time and/or the discovery does not return the correct members the first time around. Especially needed for DNS_PING.

      The number of requests should be spaced out evenly across a range [0 .. timeout-(timeout/num_requests)]

      Example: timeout=12000, num_requests=3;

      • Range: [0 .. 8000] (12-4)
      • First req sent at time 0
      • Second: time 4000
      • Third: 8000
        Interval: timeout - (timeout/num_reqs) / num_reqs-1

            rhn-engineering-bban Bela Ban
            rhn-engineering-bban Bela Ban
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