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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-16107

Improve portlet component


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • LATER
    • 4.1.1.CR1
    • portal-gatein
    • None
    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.)

      Currently, the portlet component supports (or it should support) the following runtimes:

      • JBoss Portal 2.7
      • EPP 4.3/5.0/5.1/5.2
      • GateIn 3.x
      • JPP 6.x

      There are three facets:

      • Java Portlet
      • JSF Portlet
      • Seam Portlet

      The required libraries are the following:

      Java Portlet

      • requires portlet-api that is, currently, correctly recognized for some of the above mentioned runtimes.
        However, there is no rule how this library would be recognized, which means it could be broken in some new runtime.

      JSF Portlet

      • requires portletbridge and, optionaly, richfaces libraries

      Those libraries can be added from the server runtimes or a user can use his own distribution that can be added to the JSF Portlet wizard page.
      If a user creates a Seam portlet and selects his richfaces distribution, the richfaces libraries added with the seam facet will be replaced with the user's library because we can't have two richfaces versions in the application.
      If a user doesn't select his richfaces distribution, the richfaces libraries from Seam will be used.

      Currently, there is no rule for adding those libraries. Different server runtimes contain the libraries in different locations. Portletbridge and richfaces distributions also have different structure.

      Seam Portlet

      The Seam portlet uses the standard seam facet and configures web.xml.
      I have tried to deploy and run the seam portlet on JPP 6.1 using the Seam 2.3.2 version from WFK.
      It can be deployed and run. The home page is opened, but I am not sure if all the features work correctly.
      Seam 2.3.2 works properly on EAP 6.1, AS 7.1.1, AS 7.2.0.Final.
      Seam 2.3.1 (the latest community version) requires adding the guava module to the jboss-deployment-structure.xml.

      If a user selects the JBoss Maven Integration facet, the portlet component will create a maven project. It is possible to add portletbridge 2.0.0 as a maven artifact.
      We would probably have to improve this feature.

      We would have to define the following:

      • what server runtimes we want to support in the future (AS 7+ runtimes GateIn 3.5/3.6, JPP
      • what kinds of portlets we would support(Java portlet, JSF portlet, JSF Richfaces... not sure for Seam)
      • how the required libraries (portletbridge, richfaces...) would be added. Is there a rule how they are placed to the server?
      • if we will support only a mavenized portlet (all GateIn 3.6, JPP 6.1 quickstarts are maven projects)

      If we decide to support only mavenized portlets, adding libraries would be much simpler. A user would only need to choose versions, i.e., to define different Maven libraries containers.

            jmaury@redhat.com Jeff MAURY
            snjeza_jira Snjezana Peco (Inactive)
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