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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-13884

JBoss Central new look'n feel


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      The JBoss Central UI has been reworked to provide a better user experience. In no particular order :

      * A description of each wizard is available when hovering on each project icon
      * Blogs, news and twitter feeds have been aggregated into one section now known as JBoss Buzz
      * The "show on startup" preference is now directly accessible from the top of the page
      * A new link to the Ticket Monster tutorial has been added
      * Quickstarts are now more visible
      The JBoss Central UI has been reworked to provide a better user experience. In no particular order : * A description of each wizard is available when hovering on each project icon * Blogs, news and twitter feeds have been aggregated into one section now known as JBoss Buzz * The "show on startup" preference is now directly accessible from the top of the page * A new link to the Ticket Monster tutorial has been added * Quickstarts are now more visible

      On 14 Feb 2013, at 22:38, Catherine Robson <crobson@redhat.com wrote:

      Hi all -

      I've put together a few JBoss central design options, attached. Please feel free to add anyone to the e-mail that you think should be on it.

      Quick Descriptions:
      Option A - Consolidate news and blogs into buzz. Quickstarts would open the Project Examples Wizard with the idea that given so many quickstarts that we might have, the project examples wizard is more equipped to display and filter them.
      Option B - Consolidate news and blogs into buzz. Quickstarts shown on page as a long scrolling list like it is today
      Option C - Reduce buzz to just # information. Move resources over to the right and reduce overall size (one third of layout) so quickstarts can take over and turn into columns to show a whole bunch at once.

      A few questions:

      • Can we configure the links to not have underlines in JBoss Central, just have the blue color? It's surprising how much it helped clean up the News feed to get rid of some of the underlining.
      • How much flexibility do I have with the visual styling? Are the header bar and blue collapsable bars style-able ? It seems they are independent of the JBDS theme settings when I played with that.
      • Can we get the show on startup option up into the header?

      Take a look at the options and let me know what you think! Still thinking about if there are some better "out of the box" ideas I can come up with around how to lay this out very differently than today. My creativeness has expired for the day

      • Catherine

      Catherine Robson
      Product Manager - User Experience
      JBoss by RedHat

            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
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