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  1. JBoss Enterprise Spec APIs
  2. JBEE-158

EL 3 LambdaExpression failing with an exception irreversibly pollutes variable scope


      When a lambda expression is exited with an exception, its variables are left on stack and cannot be removed from it without hacks. My usecase is a customly defined function that uses exceptions as means of non-local exit, but the bug triggers even without custom functions, as demonstrated below.

      Test case:

              ELProcessor  processor = new ELProcessor ();
              processor.defineBean ("x", null);
              try {
                  processor.eval ("(x -> x.bug ()) ('bug')");
              catch (RuntimeException exception) {
                  // This is expected, there is no method bug() on strings.
              processor.eval ("x");  // This must evaluate to null, but instead evaluates to "bug".

      Proposed fix will be attached as a short patch against 'javax/el/LambdaExpression.java'.

            tomazcerar Tomaž Cerar (Inactive)
            doublep_ Paul Pogonyshev (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
