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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-2566

TopologyAwareConsistentHashFactory rebalance doesn't redistribute data properly


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 5.2.0.Final
    • 5.2.0.Final
    • Core
    • None

      Say we have a topology-aware cache with numOwners = 2 and two nodes: A(machine=m1) and B(machine=m1). When node C(machine=m2) joins, it should own every key, either as a primary or as a backup owner. This doesn't happen, node C owns just as many segments as nodes A and B.


      19:21:17,295 TRACE [org.infinispan.topology.ClusterTopologyManagerImpl] (undefined) Updating cache topology topology for rebalance: 
      CacheTopology{id=3, currentCH=DefaultConsistentHash{numSegments=80, numOwners=2, 
      members=[node0/default(primary), node1/default(primary)], 
      owners={0: 0 1, 1: 0 1, 2: 0 1, 3: 0 1, 4: 0 1, 5: 0 1, 6: 0 1, 7: 0 1, 
      8: 0 1, 9: 0 1, 10: 0 1, 11: 0 1, 12: 0 1, 13: 0 1, 14: 0 1, 15: 0 1, 
      16: 0 1, 17: 0 1, 18: 0 1, 19: 0 1, 20: 0 1, 21: 0 1, 22: 0 1, 23: 0 1, 
      24: 0 1, 25: 0 1, 26: 0 1, 27: 0 1, 28: 0 1, 29: 0 1, 30: 0 1, 31: 0 1, 
      32: 0 1, 33: 0 1, 34: 0 1, 35: 0 1, 36: 0 1, 37: 0 1, 38: 0 1, 39: 0 1, 
      40: 1 0, 41: 1 0, 42: 1 0, 43: 1 0, 44: 1 0, 45: 1 0, 46: 1 0, 47: 1 0, 
      48: 1 0, 49: 1 0, 50: 1 0, 51: 1 0, 52: 1 0, 53: 1 0, 54: 1 0, 55: 1 0, 
      56: 1 0, 57: 1 0, 58: 1 0, 59: 1 0, 60: 1 0, 61: 1 0, 62: 1 0, 63: 1 0, 
      64: 1 0, 65: 1 0, 66: 1 0, 67: 1 0, 68: 1 0, 69: 1 0, 70: 1 0, 71: 1 0, 
      72: 1 0, 73: 1 0, 74: 1 0, 75: 1 0, 76: 1 0, 77: 1 0, 78: 1 0, 79: 1 0}, 
      pendingCH=DefaultConsistentHash{numSegments=80, numOwners=2, 
      members=[node0/default(primary), node1/default(primary), node2/default(secondary)], 
      owners={0: 0 1, 1: 0 1, 2: 0 1, 3: 0 1, 4: 0 1, 5: 0 1, 6: 0 1, 7: 0 1, 
      8: 0 1, 9: 0 1, 10: 0 1, 11: 0 1, 12: 0 1, 13: 0 1, 14: 0 1, 15: 0 1, 
      16: 0 1, 17: 0 1, 18: 0 1, 19: 0 1, 20: 0 1, 21: 0 1, 22: 0 1, 23: 0 1, 
      24: 0 1, 25: 0 1, 26: 0 1, 27: 2 0, 28: 2 0, 29: 2 0, 30: 2 0, 31: 2 0, 
      32: 2 0, 33: 2 0, 34: 2 0, 35: 2 0, 36: 2 0, 37: 2 0, 38: 2 0, 39: 2 0, 
      40: 1 0, 41: 1 0, 42: 1 0, 43: 1 0, 44: 1 0, 45: 1 0, 46: 1 0, 47: 1 0, 
      48: 1 0, 49: 1 0, 50: 1 0, 51: 1 0, 52: 1 0, 53: 1 0, 54: 1 0, 55: 1 0, 
      56: 1 0, 57: 1 0, 58: 1 0, 59: 1 0, 60: 1 0, 61: 1 0, 62: 1 0, 63: 1 0, 
      64: 1 0, 65: 1 0, 66: 1 0, 67: 2 1, 68: 2 1, 69: 2 1, 70: 2 1, 71: 2 1, 
      72: 2 1, 73: 2 1, 74: 2 1, 75: 2 1, 76: 2 1, 77: 2 1, 78: 2 1, 79: 2 1}}

            dberinde@redhat.com Dan Berindei (Inactive)
            dberinde@redhat.com Dan Berindei (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
