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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-2081

Transaction leak caused by reordering between prepare and rollback


      There's no ordering between the prepare and commit/rollback messages, as the later are sent OOB.
      With this in mind, the following transaction leak might happen:
      Tx1 send prepare on nodes


      1. the message reaches A and timeouts but hasn't yet been processed on B
      2. The transaction originator reacts immediately to the timeout received from A without waiting the response from B and sends a rollback request
      3. The rollback request is processed on A and B
      4. The initial prepare is then processed on B

      At this point we have an orphan transaction prepare on B.
      Whilst this is not causing any inconsistencies, it keeps keys locked indefinitely and is a memory leak.

      The solution would be to wait at 2 for all the prepare messages before sending the rollback.
      Attached is a unit test to reproduce the issue.

      Related mailing list thread: http://infinispan.markmail.org/search/#query:%20list%3Aorg.jboss.lists.infinispan-dev+page:1+mid:xgnmtee56jpqifs6+state:results

            mircea.markus Mircea Markus (Inactive)
            mircea.markus Mircea Markus (Inactive)
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