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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-12030

BlockHound is not active on JDK 13/14

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      BlockHound cannot instrument native methods on JDK 13+

      15:04:47,001 FATAL (Thread-0) [Infinispan-TEST] Throwable was not caught in thread Thread[Thread-0,5,main] - exception is: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The instrumentation have failed.
      It looks like you're running on JDK 13+.
      You need to add '-XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods' JVM flag.
      See https://github.com/reactor/BlockHound/issues/33 for more info.

      Maven profile java13-test is supposed to add flag -XX:+AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods to the fork JVM, but it doesn't work because the activation condition is incomplete (missing a ) after the comma).

      The profile also tries to add the flag when the java8-test profile is selected from the command line, so adding the missing ) is not enough.

              dberinde@redhat.com Dan Berindei (Inactive)
              dberinde@redhat.com Dan Berindei (Inactive)
              rhn-support-adongare Amol Dongare
