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  1. Helm
  2. HELM-15

Implement UI tests for interoperability with DevConsole


    • AppSvc Sprint 194, AppSvc Sprint 195, AppSvc Sprint 196, AppSvc Sprint 197, AppSvc Sprint 198

      There is a Cypress UI integration testing framework available in the OpenShift Console codebase where Helm+Console interoperability scenarios are defined in Gherkin language.

      The actual steps' implementation however is missing. The scenarios needs to be implemented.

      To start implementing Helm specific features, let's look into the already implemented feature and implement Helm specific steps in the same framework.

      Acceptance Criteria

      • A step implementation file for Helm-specific steps is added:
      • All tests developed must PASS with zero failures, unless there is a product issues involved

          There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

              pmacik@redhat.com Pavel Macik
              pmacik@redhat.com Pavel Macik
              1 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
