1. Proposed title of this feature request
Alert for constantly syncing GitOps applications
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
Customers are using GitOps to manage their cluster configuration. As part of cluster configuration, customers may configure CRDs that are controlled by Operators, other products such as RHACM or other GitOps tooling. Examples include the "cluster-monitoring-config", which is also altered by RHACM Observability.
Specifically when self-healing is enabled, this leads to some objects being changes again and again, typically every few minutes as the Argo CD sync is done. This puts load on the Kubernetes API and may also redeploy resources over and over again.
This RFE requests that there is an out-of-the-box alert for Argo CD for such cases. For example, the following metric could be used (more than 5 syncs in the last 30 minutes):
increase(argocd_app_sync_total{namespace="openshift-gitops"}[30m]) > 5
*3. Why does the customer need this? *
Customers want to avoid having multiple Operators / GitOps tools changing the same object over and over again. This is typically a misconfiguration that leads to instability and load on the Kubernetes API.
4. List any affected packages or components.
OpenShift GitOps (Alerting Rule)