As an admin, I need a guide that walks me through various ways to achieve multi-tenancy with Argo CD and pros and cons of each approach so that I can use Argo CD on the multi-tenant OpenShift clusters in my organisations.
The multi-tenancy guide should at the minimum cover the following topics by pointing out to the more details docs on each specific topic where possible:
- Shared Argo CD using Argo CD built-in multi-tenancy through RBAC and App Project
- One Argo CD per tenant (tenant might have one or several namespaces managed by Argo CD)
Acceptance Criteria
- Multi-tenancy guide is available for Argo CD on OpenShift
- is documented by
RHDEVDOCS-3603 Document using ArgoCD in multi tenant OpenShift clusters
- Closed
- is related to
ACM-1042 ACM Multitenancy Guide with GitopsOperator (GITOPS-1349)
- Closed