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  1. Forge
  2. FORGE-145

MavenCoreFacet should provide ability to invoke Maven native/embedded, not MavenPlugin


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.0.0.Alpha4
    • 1.0.0.Alpha3
    • Build Tools - Maven
    • None

          * Execute a command using the embedded Maven shell. Return the exit status code. 0 = success, anything else =
          * failure.
         public boolean executeMavenEmbedded(String[] parameters);
          * Execute a command using the embedded Maven shell, using the given PrintStreams for output and error output. Return
          * the exit status code. 0 = success, anything else = failure.
         boolean executeMavenEmbedded(PrintStream out, PrintStream err, String[] parameters);
          * Execute a command using the native Maven installation. If native Maven is not available, fall back to the embedded
          * Maven provider built in to Forge.
         public void executeMaven(ShellPrintWriter out, String[] parameters);

            lincolnthree Lincoln Baxter III (Inactive)
            lincolnthree Lincoln Baxter III (Inactive)
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