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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3258

[KI] Dev Spaces Operator installing an additional DevWorkspace Operator


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    • False
    • Release Notes
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      = {prod2} Operator installing an additional {devworkspace} Operator

      Currently, under certain conditions, such as link:https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.10/operators/understanding/olm/olm-understanding-olm.html[OLM] restart or cluster upgrade, the {prod2} Operator for {prod-short} 3.0.0 might automatically install the {devworkspace} Operator even if it is already present on the cluster. This might cause severe consequences: the {platforms-name} web terminal might stop working, or the {devworkspace} Operator admission webhooks might not work properly, which might affect the behavior of the cluster.

      You can detect this issue on your cluster by checking *Installed Operators* in the {platforms-name} web console: if this problem is occurring, you see multiple entries for the {devworkspace} Operator or one entry that is stuck in a loop of *Replacing* and *Pending*.


      * On {platforms-name} 4.10.23 or earlier, enable the subscription for automated updates and get {prod-short} 3.0.1 through the link:https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.10/operators/understanding/olm/olm-understanding-olm.html[OLM].

      * On {platforms-name} 4.10.24 or later, follow the linked link:https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openshift_dev_spaces/3.0/html-single/administration_guide/index#repairing-the-devworkspace-operator-on-openshift[instructions] for fixing the cluster.
      = {prod2} Operator installing an additional {devworkspace} Operator Currently, under certain conditions, such as link: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.10/operators/understanding/olm/olm-understanding-olm.html [OLM] restart or cluster upgrade, the {prod2} Operator for {prod-short} 3.0.0 might automatically install the {devworkspace} Operator even if it is already present on the cluster. This might cause severe consequences: the {platforms-name} web terminal might stop working, or the {devworkspace} Operator admission webhooks might not work properly, which might affect the behavior of the cluster. You can detect this issue on your cluster by checking *Installed Operators* in the {platforms-name} web console: if this problem is occurring, you see multiple entries for the {devworkspace} Operator or one entry that is stuck in a loop of *Replacing* and *Pending*. .Workaround * On {platforms-name} 4.10.23 or earlier, enable the subscription for automated updates and get {prod-short} 3.0.1 through the link: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.10/operators/understanding/olm/olm-understanding-olm.html [OLM]. * On {platforms-name} 4.10.24 or later, follow the linked link: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openshift_dev_spaces/3.0/html-single/administration_guide/index#repairing-the-devworkspace-operator-on-openshift [instructions] for fixing the cluster.
    • Documented as Known Issue

      This is a known issue that is related to https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CRW-3215 that explains the underlying problem.

            rhn-support-mleonov Max Leonov
            rhn-support-mleonov Max Leonov
            Max Leonov Max Leonov
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