Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3060

Empty page in Dashboard when OCP OAuth session is expired



    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide
      = Blank dashboard page in expired OpenShift OAuth sessions

      Currently, when an OpenShift OAuth session expires, the dashboard page appears blank.


      * Use either option:
      ** Clear the cookies related to the {prod-short} dashboard page from your browser.
      ** Load the {prod-short} dashboard page in incognito mode.
      = Blank dashboard page in expired OpenShift OAuth sessions Currently, when an OpenShift OAuth session expires, the dashboard page appears blank. .Workaround * Use either option: ** Clear the cookies related to the {prod-short} dashboard page from your browser. ** Load the {prod-short} dashboard page in incognito mode.
    • Documented as Known Issue
    • Workaround Exists
    • Hide
      • Go to DS Dashboard page in browser incognito mode.
      • Clear DS Dashboard page cookies in browser.
      Go to DS Dashboard page in browser incognito mode. or Clear DS Dashboard page cookies in browser.


      Affects DS 3.0.0.RC-06-03 on OCP 4.10

      How to reproduce:
      1. Install DS 3.0.0.RC-06-03
      2. Set cluster accessTokenInactivityTimeout = 5 minutes:

      oc patch OAuth/cluster -p '{ "spec": { "tokenConfig": { "accessTokenInactivityTimeout": "5m" }}}' --type merge

      3. Open DS Dashboard page in Google Chrome.
      4. Leave it along about 20 minutes.
      5. Refresh DS Dashboard page.

      Actual result:
      it was end up with empty Dashboard page after several redirecting

      ---------------- case 0 ------------------------------------------------


      Expected behavior:

      ---------------- case 1 ------------------------------------------------

      client.802f792e319bb4cb4c3b.js:1 Unexpected workspace object shape: Object
      d @ client.802f792e319bb4cb4c3b.js:1
      vendor.3c48f84e469bcd72586d.js:115 Error: Unexpected workspace object shape.
          at new d (client.802f792e319bb4cb4c3b.js:1:131048)
          at u (client.802f792e319bb4cb4c3b.js:1:136188)
          at client.802f792e319bb4cb4c3b.js:1:29187
          at Array.map (<anonymous>)
          at client.802f792e319bb4cb4c3b.js:1:29169
          at vendor.3c48f84e469bcd72586d.js:16:20079
          at d (vendor.3c48f84e469bcd72586d.js:16:19032)
          at vendor.3c48f84e469bcd72586d.js:16:20212
          at d (vendor.3c48f84e469bcd72586d.js:16:19032)
          at vendor.3c48f84e469bcd72586d.js:16:20178
      ec @ vendor.3c48f84e469bcd72586d.js:115
      client.802f792e319bb4cb4c3b.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Unexpected workspace object shape.
          at new d (client.802f792e319bb4cb4c3b.js:1:131048)
          at u (client.802f792e319bb4cb4c3b.js:1:136188)
          at client.802f792e319bb4cb4c3b.js:1:29187
          at Array.map (<anonymous>)
          at client.802f792e319bb4cb4c3b.js:1:29169
          at vendor.3c48f84e469bcd72586d.js:16:20079
          at d (vendor.3c48f84e469bcd72586d.js:16:19032)
          at vendor.3c48f84e469bcd72586d.js:16:20212
          at d (vendor.3c48f84e469bcd72586d.js:16:19032)
          at vendor.3c48f84e469bcd72586d.js:16:20178
      /dashboard/#/create-workspace:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to register a ServiceWorker for scope ('https://devspaces-openshift-devspaces.apps.ds-airgap-v10.crw-qe.com/dashboard/') with script ('https://devspaces-openshift-devspaces.apps.ds-airgap-v10.crw-qe.com/dashboard/service-worker.js'): An SSL certificate error occurred when fetching the script.
      manifest.json:1          Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)

      ------------------------- case 2 --------------------------------------------------


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              oorel Oleksii Orel
              dnochevn Dmytro Nochevnov
              Max Leonov Max Leonov
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue

